So it must be after where you and I
have talked. Our mistake.
» Do I know you?
» You were saying something when I got here?
» There's someone else in here?
» I think I'm lost.
» What can you tell me about this place?
» Anyway…
Now, can you understand what we are saying?
We were repeating that question.
» Now? yes. Not when I was over there, though.
» It's strange; I couldn't understand a word when
I moved over there, but now it's as if parts of sounds
and meanings have just fallen into place on its own.
» It's like losing a language and then getting it
back again. Are you doing this?
As we thought. That Shìkbplài–your interpreter,
is an old machine. It seems like it will not function
correctly, even if the owner is only a bit too far away.
…Now we cannot help but question the accuracy of its
interpretations as well.Where did you get it? Clearly, it was not yours.
» You mean this green, die-looking thing?
I swear I didn't steal it from–
» This green thing? I picked it up on the way here. It was in–
» What's the ‘new’ machine like? Do you have one?
» How do you know I even have one?
Why, one can see right through you.
You do not need to conceal anything, do you?Perhaps you do, but it would be less than
ideal, is it not? —should the secrets you
carry to ever manifest on its own.
» What do you mean?
» I wasn't trying to hide anything.
» What? I don't want my private thoughts
showing itself in whatever form…
Well, we would imagine that there is nothing you could
possibly hide when your very being is translucent at best.But not to worry, your thoughts are still your
own, as they have not taken on any form—yet.
At least not one that we can see.
» I am physically transparent? You mean what
you can see of me is just the interpreter?
» That's…concerning. How do I get my form back?
» Not having a physical form is a great change, actually.
» What am I supposed to be?
…Aside from the Shìkbplài, we are aware of something else
as well, floating about inside your pellucid cloud-like being.
Other than that, you are nothing yet but
light and thought. Is that not wonderful?
» Yet? So how do I get my form back?
—or obtain one?
» Yet? But I do like being formless…
You are formless, yes. But not non-existence.You were you. And others, as well. Were you not?
Were not they? You are here now—yet not of here.
It makes things rather complicated.Whether you wish to stay incorporeal inside our
domain or not, it is not we who gets to decide.
» You've completely lost me.
» Oh. Do I get to decide?
» …
You were you. And others, as well. Were you not?
Were not they? You are here now—yet not of here.
It makes things rather complicated.—Or not. We cannot tell,
since the one who gets to decide that is you.
» You've completely lost me.
» You mean you can't help me?
» Go on.
We cannot manipulate the course of your missing form,
or reclaim parts of your original soul.But, with the ‘transient entity’ we gave you, your mind will
still be able and will not fade away on its own.Besides, it would let you take on the forms of others.
Others that is you, perhaps? And maybe someone else, too.
» The…what?
» I don't remember you giving me this ‘entity’.
And what's this “taking others' forms” about?
» And if I were to leave Nírákùlaalai?
…We took the liberty and slipped it into the
Shìkbplàiphâssàlaa when you were distracted.‘Soul’ is a broad term you may use to refer to one of the
non-material parts of your being, correct? The entity
we gave will perform as a temporary substitution
for said soul.
» But why?
» You did that for me? Thanks!
» Thank you.
…But what happened to my own ‘soul’?
» And if I leave Nírákùlaalai?
Had you not been given the entity,
you and I would not be speaking now.
» Thank you.
…But what happened to my own ‘soul’?
» And if I leave Nírákùlaalai?
Your ‘soul’ is to you like a mirror to its reflection.
You do not have to worry; we believe that it will find its
way back to you if you were to leave our domain.
Besides, the entity we gave is only of this place, after all.
On second thought, we do not need to know.
Do take care not to lose it.
» Anyway…
» What's the ‘new’ machine like?
Do you have one?
We would show it to you if we could,
but we prefer it inside its original place.
Usually, no one—But we have not looked.
Why? Do you feel the presence of others?
» Oh. I was a bit confused–but I get it now.
» When you say we, you mean just yourself?
» Anyway…
Where did you come from?
We should be able to guide you there.
» I'd like to go back to the Nirakul Archives.
» Actually, Would you mind if I stick around?
» Anyway…
Here? This is Nírákùlaalai, in your speak;
‘A Place, Nameless.’ You are inside its study.You are free to be here, or leave, if you wish.
» And outside?
» Ni-ra-ku-laa-lai?
Do you know about Nirakul Archives?
» Is this a museum of some kind?
» I think I'm lost.
» Anyway…