
(Climbing down the well. It's dark, and damp.)

(Looking up, or further down, You couldn't see anything resembles a star.)






1» (Look up and yell.)

2» (Climb back up.)

3» (Keep going.)



























(There is no response.)

(Have you gone too far?)






1» (Climb back up.)

2» (Keep going.)

























(Climbing further down, it is now pitch black, and very damp.)

(Your hands are getting slippery and sore.)

(You are unsure about where you should be stepping next.)























(The flat stone turned out to be moss-eaten and brittle.)

(It breaks almost instantly.)





1» (!!)

























(The two stones turns out to be loosely attached to rest of the wall.)

(It breaks apart almost instantly.)





1» (!!)






























(You have fallen down the well.)


(Your shoulder hit the floor in an awkward angle.)

(You really felt that one.)


(It is still pitch black, and very damp. But there is no water. )

(The ground is covered with thick layers of textured mosses and lichens.)


(Looking up, you can't see anything.)





1» (Sit still.)

2» (Look around.)






























(Time passed, your eyes seem to adjust itself in the dark.)

(You think you see something...)





1» (What's that small-red-thing...)

2» (What's that glowy-shifting-thing...)




























Left ---------- Right

(The small red thing

is watching you.)























(It seems nervous.)





1» Here, you want to see this, right?
[show item ID: 2705256301 if in Inventory.]

2» (...)



See Inventory section
in museum guide
Do not

























(The small red thing looks into the mirror, and promptly vanishes.)

(It leaves something behind.)





1» [Add 1 Votive Candle(Red) to your Inventory.]
(Holding the candle, you have a strong feeling that it
will take you back, out of the well. )



See Inventory section
in museum guide























Left ---------- Right




























Left ---------- Right
























Left ---------- Right

























Left ---------- Right























Left ---------- Right

(Not a star, but

something else.)























"You there. Tell me, what do you think of this place?"





1» ...Can you send me back up the well?

2» This seems like a nice place.

3» I feel like I shouldn't be here.




























"Sure thing. There we go!"





1» (The being radiates a great blinding light.)



























"Me and all my friends here thought so, too."

"Well,...except one. Have you met Marbles yet? The shy one."

"Marbles is....homesick. I want to help, I do. But I've lost

my bronze mirror.....and that's the problem."





1» I'll see what I can do.

2» Well, I've lost my way by falling down here.
....Can you send me back up?


























"Oh! Don't be shy, most of us down here loves meeting new faces!"

"Well,...'most' anyway. ...Have you met Marbles yet? The shy one."

"Marbles is....homesick. I want to help, I do. But I've lost

my bronze mirror.....and that's the problem."





1» I'll see what I can do.

2» Well, I've lost my way by falling down here.
....Can you send me back up?



























"It's a type of hand-crafted mirror. Forest-goers often keep it as a talisman

so that they wouldn't lost their way in the woods. Mine was given to me

by a kind forager some time ago...."





1» I'll see what I can do.

2» Well, I've lost my way by falling down here.
....Can you send me back up?