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(This seems to be a book of serialized
short fictions.
Here's an
excerpt. )


the quest of une shaman well











The Quest of Une: Shaman Well


the quest of une shaman well



The SHAMAN WELL on top of the cliff is but a simple stone construct weathered under the rain and sun. As the three of you walk up the hill toward the well with the STONEHUSK you can see the SHAMAN sitting in a tree's shade, waiting for your party's return. When you reach the top of the cliff he approaches the party with a weary smile.





“Ah! Wonderful, And on time, too! I'll just take the STONEHUSK from you.
Here's the payment. …And a little something. I'm quite relieved to see it back in
one piece. Did the STONEHUSK gave you three troubles?”


* Yes. And I have a question
[« Only If Item ID; 1011256601 in inventory]

* !!No, no, it's–it's very nice and even gave us a ride back here!




“Ha! ha! That so? Anyway, this "little something" is a group ticket to a very special show tonight. If you three decide to go I'd hope you all have a great time!”



warrior holding ticket


* Ohh, that sounds fun! Where do we have to go for this?




“The show? Nowhere far. You've heard the sayings of how there are
"stars inside the well" right? Here's the chance to find out!”


warrior * …Why do I feel like I've heard that one before? When—
mage * Hold on, you're saying that the show's inside the SHAMAN WELL!?
healer * What about the water…?




“Don't worry, you'll find out tonight! The ticket was for me and the STONEHUSK here actually, but as things turned out, I don't have much time left. I'll have to get going soon, in fact. And Also I'm really very tired –this is embarrassing– but I don't think I can even make myself stay up for the show!”


warrior * That's understandable but—




“If we meet again somewhere do come talk to me about it! I'd love to know how the show went for you. Ah, now this is where we part, for later than this my ship will be well underway. Thank you and safe travels, adventurers!”







healer * …And there he goes.
mage * Well that was something. Anyway, how much did he gave us for the job? That's a big sack of coins!
warrior * Ah, there's something on the ticket, it's reads—


healer and mage look inside a sack of coins


healer * 10…25…50… How odd, It's a lot of coins… but they seems to be in several different currencies. I see some ang, ogrù, a few vòtlâ, bunch of xllkri — Are those lyuuk? And… wow, there's even ancient coins in the mix too. How did he even get these?
mage * What's this, a candy mix? That's impressive and all but how much do these really adds up in value?
healer * Hmmm, from putting together the ones I recognize I'd say if we were to buy 3 new saangdìlaakrâng and maybe a second-hand shìksìtbplòng on a good deal these would be just enough.
mage * Really? And do you think it'll be enough for the service of a sàlàaplern for, say, a week?
healer * A sàlàaplern for a week? I think these are more than enough!
mage * That makes sense. Now for those ancient coins—






* —Hey! So are we going to this, uhh, show-thing or not? It's in the well here, right? And we'd just have to wait untill the night comes?
healer * …It sounds more than a bit sketchy to me. But, we can camp around here for the night and maybe take a peek?
mage * Oh, yeah, what did you say was on the ticket? What kind of show it's suppose to be anyway?
warrior * It says; "The Magnificent Mir Moonlilt and the Cloud Song Alembics show" and below that; "With Special Guest; Grasshopper-Green Verbarium band".
mage * That didn't help—
healer * Ooooh, now I'm kind of curious. Maybe, just probably, tonight I might do more than just take a peek!
warrior * He he! I knew you'd want in. Let's set up our camp!










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